Original Article

Development of a Double Glass Mounting Method Using Formaldehyde Alcohol Azocarmine Lactophenol (FAAL) and its Evaluation for Permanent Mounting of Small Nematodes


Background: : Permanent slide preparation of nematodes especially small ones is time consuming, difficult and they become scarious margins. Regarding this prob­lem, a modified double glass mounting method was developed and com­pared with classic method.

Methods: A total of 209 nematode samples from human and animal origin were fixed and stained with Formaldehyde Alcohol Azocarmine Lactophenol (FAAL) followed by double glass mounting and classic dehydration method us­ing Canada balsam as their mounting media. The slides were evaluated in differ­ent dates and times, more than four years. Different photos were made with differ­ent magnification during the evaluation time.

Results: The double glass mounting method was stable during this time and compa­rable with classic method. There were no changes in morphologic struc­tures of nematodes using double glass mounting method with well-defined and clear differentiation between different organs of nematodes in this method.

Conclusion: Using this method is cost effective and fast for mounting of small nematodes comparing to classic method. 

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IssueVol 10 No 4 (2015) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Nematodes Double Glass Mount-ing Permanent Mounting Formaldehyde Alcohol Azocarmine Lactophe-nol

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ZAHABIUN F, SADJJADI SM, ESFANDIARI F. Development of a Double Glass Mounting Method Using Formaldehyde Alcohol Azocarmine Lactophenol (FAAL) and its Evaluation for Permanent Mounting of Small Nematodes. Iran J Parasitol. 2015;10(4):617-624.