
Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis in Ilam Province, Western Iran



Background: Hydatidosis is a zoonotic disease of global prevalence. It causes considerable health problems and economic losses throughout the world, including Iran. The objective of this study was to assess the current status of echinococco-sis/hydatidosis in the province of Ilam (western Iran).

Methods: From April to September 2011, 65 stray dogs were collected from urban and rural areas of Ilam City. Parasites were isolated from the dogs and stained with carmine. A taxonomic study was carried out by measuring different parts of hel-minths. Meat inspection documents from slaughterhouses in Ilam were used to assess the prevalence of hydatidosis during a 3-year period in sheep, cattle, and goats. ELISA test was used to detect the presence of antibodies to hydatidosis in human sera. Clinical records from 2000 to 2010 of either treated or diagnosed pa-tients from public hospitals of this province were reviewed.

Results: The prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus infection in stray dogs was 9%. A total of 81,726 animals were assessed for hydatidosis; 2.94% (2403 cases) had liver hydatidosis and 2.34% (1918 cases) had lung hydatidosis. Within a 10-year period, 140 patients (91 females and 49 males) were treated for hydatidosis. Of 1200 hu-man sera, 2.25% (27 patients) were seropositive for hydatidosis.

Conclusion: Hydatidosis is endemic in Ilam Province especially in rural area. The health and economic losses caused by the disease are significant; thus, our efforts need to be focused on the control of this disease.

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Echinococcosis Hydatidosis Iran Seroprevalence Stray dogs

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How to Cite
Abdi J, Taherikalani M, Asadolahi K, Emaneini M. Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis in Ilam Province, Western Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 1;8(3):417-422.