
Prevalence and Rate of Parasitemia of Haemoproteus columbae in Columba Iiviadomesticain Southwest of Iran



Background: Parasites affect the health and productivity of birds. Haemoproteus columbae occurs in pigeons widely in tropical and subtropical regions. The present investigation was concentrated on the prevalence of H. columbae and rate of para-sitemia in domestic pigeons in southwest of Iran.

Methods: Pigeons regimented in three groups, less than six months old, between six and twenty four months old and more than twenty four months old.Then stained blood smears were studied for presence of H. columbae and finally rate of parasitemia in every group calculated.

Results: Mature and immature stages of H. columbae gametocytes were found in 24% of blood smears prepared from 100 healthy domestic pigeons. Mean of para-sitemia in infected pigeons was 9.58%. Mean size of macrogametocytes was 4μm×15μm and mean size of microgametocytes was 3μm×12μm. Mean of para-sitemia in infected females was more than males and pipers. Mean of parasitemia in infected old pigeons (pigeons with more than twenty four months old) was more than pigeons with less than six months old and pigeons between six and twenty four months old.

Conclusion: This study show the prevalence and rate of parasitemia in domestic pigeons in southwest of Iran. We should be care about this parasite in pigeons by knowing the prevalence and high risk groups.

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Domestic pigeons Ectoparasite Haemoproteus columbae Iran

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How to Cite
Dehghani Samani A, Pirali Kheirabadi K, Dehghani Samani A. Prevalence and Rate of Parasitemia of Haemoproteus columbae in Columba Iiviadomesticain Southwest of Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 1;8(4):641-644.