Epidemiology, Sero-Diagnosis and Therapeutic Studies on Nematodes Infection in Balochi Range-Sheep at District Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
Background:Among the infectious organisms of parasitic origin, gastrointestinal nematodes are very important as they have been reported worldwide. The main aim of the present research study to highlight the annual epidemiological contributing factors associated with the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes and their control in sheep.
Methods:A total 1200 faecal samples (100 per month) were collected from farmers holding Balochi-sheep (either sexes, 1-5 years old) during January-December 2012 and analyzed to determine the prevalence of nematodes based on microscopy and ELISA based diagnostic assay. Therapeutic efficacies of different synthetic and herbal medicines against these nematodes were assessed by field trials.
Results:Results showed that 23.92% Balochi-sheep were infected with nematodes. Five nematodes infections were recorded with highest prevalence of Haemonchus (7.75%) fol-lowed by Nematodirus (7.58%), Strongyloides (4.42%), Trichostrongylus (2.33%) and Trichuris (1.83%). The younger and older ewes (one and five years) presented higher nematodes prevalence with peak during March/April and August/September. Haemonchus and Tri-churis positive samples based on coprological examination were also showed 92-100% positive sensitivity for these nematodes by the ELISA. Sheep treated with Ivermectin showed higher reduction (97.76%) in nematode egg counts followed by Atreefal deedan (96.42%) and Oxfendazole (95.44%), respectively.
Conclusion:The gastro-intestinal nematodes are prevalent in all age and either sex of Balochi-sheep with peak during summer. The ELISA based diagnosis is more accurte. The synthetic and herbal products are very effective against sheep nematodes.
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Herbal anthelmintics Nematodes Season Sheep |
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