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A Five-Year Retrospective Investigation of the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites at Mizan-Tepi University Teaching Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
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Background: Intestinal parasites are responsible for a significant amount of disease and mortality around the world. In developing nations, intestinal parasites are a severe public health issue. Intestinal parasite infections are one of the most common illnesses in the world. They're frequently linked to poor personal and environmental cleanliness, as well as low-quality drinking water. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of intestinal parasites and their shifting trends during a five-year period at Mizan-Tepi University of Teaching Hospital (MTUTH).
Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective survey using the past five years' (2017 to 2021) clinical records obtained from MTUTH Mizan-Aman town Southern west Ethiopia. Patients with complete age, sex, and stool parasite examination (direct wet mount or concentration techniques) records on the parasitology registration book were included. Data were entered and analysed using a Microsoft Excel sheet. The parasite prevalence was calculated using frequency and percentages.
Results: Overall, 17,030 patient records of the past five years were reviewed from the registration books of parasitology laboratory departments at MTUTH and only 546 records were taken for this study. Of these 336 (61.50%) were female and the rest 210 (38.50%) were males. One hundred eighty-two (182) 33.33% of patients had one or more intestinal parasites over five years from 2017 to 2021. From total of 546 patients’ records 17.77% in 2017, 18.89% in 2018, 23.44% in 2019, 19.96% in 2020 and 19.96% in 2021 had complete information.
Conclusion: Intestinal parasite prevalence was high among patients who visited the Mizan-Tepi University of Teaching Hospital during the five-year period. Helminthes and protozoan parasites prevalence was higher in the 15–45 years age category. In order to avoid intestinal parasite-related disease, strategies other than mass drug administration are required.

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IssueVol 18 No 1 (2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijpa.v18i1.12382
Intestinal parasites Prevalence Helminthes Protozoan Ethiopia

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How to Cite
Duguma T, Tekalign E. A Five-Year Retrospective Investigation of the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites at Mizan-Tepi University Teaching Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia. Iran J Parasitol. 2023;18(1):76-84.