Case Report

Human Urinary Myiasis Caused by Eristalis tenax in Palestine: A Case Report


In humans and other mammals, urinary myiasis can be rarely caused by Eristalis tenax, which belongs to the order Diptera. In this case, we report a 21-year-old woman with this myiasis. She was complaining of dysuria and bilateral Costo-lumbar pain. The larva in her urine sample was identified as E. tenax associated with its typical morphology.

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IssueVol 18 No 1 (2023) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Myiasis Eristalis Urinary

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How to Cite
Basha W. Human Urinary Myiasis Caused by Eristalis tenax in Palestine: A Case Report. Iran J Parasitol. 2023;18(1):129-131.