More than Seventy Years of Research (1948 –November 2021) on Toxoplasma gondii in Iran: A Narrative Review
In this review, we intend to provide a summary of the activities of researchers in the field of Toxoplasma gondii in Iran, during the past 70 years. Most studies have been limited to epidemiological studies (mostly using ELISA and IFA methods). Designing a standard and reliable method using the specific antigens of this parasite is essential. So far, studies in the field of drug effects have not been able to introduce an effective drug with few side effects. Various types of vaccines have been developed, such as recombinant and DNA vaccines. However, none of them had a good efficacy. The use of multi-epitope vaccines as potential vaccines against toxoplasmosis is recommended. At present, limited studies have been conducted on the patterns of transmission and genetic diversity of isolated isolates in Iran. Future research to determine the genotype of T. gondii could play an important role in the study of population structure, and biological characteristics of this parasite. It is hoped that the results of this study will help control, prevent, and reduce the burden of disease caused by this parasite.
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