Investigation of Neospora caninum Seroprevalence and Asso-ciation with Reproductive Problems in Cows in Burdur Province of Turkey
Background: An apicomplexan protozoon Neospora caninum, causative agent of neosporosis, is recognized as one of the most common and important cause of sporadic and endemic bovine abortion and reduced reproductivity in dairy and beef cattle worldwide. The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between N. caninum seroprevalence and infertility problems in 400 cows in Burdur city, Turkey.
Methods: Blood samples were collected from vena jugularis into sterile serum tubes from 49 aborted, 58 infertil, 48 pregnant and 245 healthy cows for the findings of reproductive anamnesis during a period of March 2010 to March 2011. Sera samples were analyzed by competitive ELISA kit.
Results: The seroprevalences were 7.7%, 6.4% and 4.2% in 2-4, ≤2 and ≥4 age groups respectively and no statistically significance observed between age groups. Seropositivity rates were 5.7%, 5.1%, 4.5%, 3.6% in Holstein, Montofon, cross-breeds and Simental breeds respectively. Seroprevalence differences was not statistically significant among cattle breeds. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in rates of 16.3%, 6.9%, 6.3%, 2.4% in aborted, infertile, pregnant and healthy cows respectively and there was a significant difference (P<0.01) between aborted and healthy animals. Seroprevalences were Yeşilova 10%, Gölhisar and Ağlasun 8%, Bucak, Çavdır and Kemer 4%, Karamanlı and Burdur Centrum 2%, according to districts.
Conclusion: The seroprevalence of N. caninum was revealed in Burdur region. It was emphasized that N. caninum infection should not be ignored in reproductive problems, especially in abortion cases.
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Abortion Cow İnfertility Neospora caninum Turkey |
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