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Serological Detection of Trichinellosis among Suspected wild Boar Meat Consumers in North and Northeast of Iran
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Background: Trichinellosis is a foodborne zoonosis disease worldwide. Humans acquire infection by ingesting raw or uncooked animal flesh containing viable Trichinella larvae. The most common reservoirs of this helminth are pigs and wild boars. In northern Iran, hunting and consuming wild boars meat by some communities, including ethnic Armenians, may expose them to trichinellosis. Here, we investigated anti-Trichinella IgG antibodies in high-risk individuals in northeastern Iran.

Methods: From Mar to Aug 2020, we collected 189 blood samples from individuals with a history of wild boar meat consumption and examined the sera for anti-Trichinella IgG antibodies using a commercial ELISA kit (NovaTec Immunodiagnostica GmbH, Germany). Sera from 30 individuals with no history of eating wild boar meat was used to determine the range of actual negative values and possible cross-reactivity with other similar antigens.

Results: Of the 189 participants, 5 (2.6%) had anti-Trichinella IgG antibodies (OD, 1.176 ±0.154). None of the 30 negative controls became positive (OD, 0.198 ± 0.044). The age, gender, occupation, and education showed no significant association with Trichinella seropositivity rate (P>0.05). All five seropositive cases were among 112 individuals (4.46% seropositivity) that resided in the western part of the study area, stretching from Behshar to Gorgan.

Conclusion: Eating wild boar meat might expose individuals to trichinellosis in the north and northeast of Iran. Further studies with more individuals from different parts of the country and confirmation of the ELISA by additional tests like Western blot will give a more in-depth insight into human trichinellosis epidemiology in Iran.

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IssueVol 16 No 2 (2021) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijpa.v16i2.6323
Trichinellosis Wild boar Seroprevalence Iran

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How to Cite
Koohsar F, Naddaf SR, Rokni MB, Mirjalali H, Mohebali M, Shafiei R, Mowlavi G. Serological Detection of Trichinellosis among Suspected wild Boar Meat Consumers in North and Northeast of Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 2021;16(2):253-260.