Following Up of Surgical Treated Human Liver Cystic Echino-coccosis: A Proteomics Approach
Background: Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is one of the most important parasitic zoonosis in the world. Post-surgery follow up in CE patients is an important non-solved problem up to now. Therefore, the investigations on this problematic issue would be very applicable in the view of CE clinical treatment.
Methods: A total of 24 confirmed liver CE patients sera including eight sera before surgery (BS), eight sera three months post-surgery (3MPS), and eight sera six months post-surgery (6MPS) were used in the present study. Proteomics methods including 2DE and LC-MS/MS were performed on the specimens followed by bioinformatics analysis such as Gene Ontology (GO) and Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network analysis.
Results: A total of 235 proteins were detected of which 12 differentially expressed proteins (DEP) were identified by LC-MS/MS in all sera. The proteins were presented in BS and suppressed after surgery as follows: HPX, SERPINA1, SERPINC1, CP, HBD, and HBA2. Comparisons of the protein expression in sera of patients BS, 3MPS, and 6MPS revealed that GC, IGJ, AHSG, CD5L, FGG, and APOC3 have been overexpressed in 3MPS and 6MPS. PPI network analysis demonstrated that SERPINC1 and AHSG with more connection in the network could be considered as hub proteins and potential prognostic biomarkers in response to surgical treatment of liver CE.
Conclusion: Application of proteomics methods on patient’s sera could be used as a novel biomarker tool for following-up liver CE patients. In this regards, proteomics and, application of bioinformatics analysis including GO and PPI showed that SERPINC1, AHSG and HPX are of more value as a potential follow up biomarkers in response to surgical treatment.
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Issue | Vol 16 No 1 (2021) | |
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Proteomics Cystic echinococcosis Hydatidosis |
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