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Status of Scabies Cases in COVID-19 Pandemic Days
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Background: In Turkey, an increase of scabies cases was detected since the last quarter of 2019. During the same period, Turkey was also under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the whole world. This study aimed to determine the current situation of scabies cases in increasing incidence during COVID-19 pandemic days and to create a scientific resource for the measures to be taken.

Methods: This descriptive study was carried out in July 2020 and the records of patients diagnosed with scabies in health institutions in Kırklareli Province between Jan 2017-June 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.

Results: Average number of cases before Sep 2019, when cases began to exceed the expected value, was calculated as 31.7±12.0 and after Sep 2019 it was calculated as 129.8±53.6 (P<0.001, CI 95%). The number of scabies cases which increased before the pandemic and reached the epidemic level, decreased dramatically in Mar and Apr 2020. This period was also the period in which the measures taken for the COVID-19 pandemic were most strictly applied. In May and June, the epidemic continued from where it left off.

Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic which affects the whole world may create a new opportunity to combat infectious diseases. Not only for COVID-19 but also many infectious diseases, it is necessary to fix the negative socioeconomic and socio-cultural conditions and ensure the sustainability of the new social conditions to be created.

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IssueVol 16 No 3 (2021) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijpa.v16i3.7104
Scabies COVID-19 pandemic Turkey

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How to Cite
Porsuk A Önder, Cerit Çiğdem. Status of Scabies Cases in COVID-19 Pandemic Days. Iran J Parasitol. 2021;16(3):499-505.