Arthrospira maxima Paradoxical Effect on Trypanosoma cruzi Infection
Background: There are only two anti-trypanocidal drugs available, both have a lot of side effects. This is the pioneer study designed to evaluate the Arthrospira maxima effect in Trypanosoma cruzi -infected mice and macrophages.
Methods: A. maxima was administered in vivo, and in vitro (120µL/mL; 200 µL/mL; 500 µL/mL; 852 µL/mL) as prophylaxis, and treatment. In vitro, phagocytosis and viability were measured in macrophages cultures supplemented with A. maxima, and T. cruzi-infected. In vivo A. maxima was supplemented to T. cruzi-infected mice in order to obtain the parasitemia curves, parasite amount, and histopathologic changes. This assay was performed in Biological Sciences National School of National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, in 2019.
Results: In vivo, A. maxima administration exacerbates the immune innate host´s response, followed by mice early death. In vitro, A. maxima supplementation promote T. cruzi- macrophage phagocytosis, but also a sooner T. cruzi- infected macrophage death.
Conclusion: A. maxima administration overactive the immune system, decreasing the parasitemia, but causing a severe tissue damage. Then, this nutraceutical has a paradoxical effect on intracellular parasitic infections such as Chagas disease.
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Issue | Vol 15 No 2 (2020) | |
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Chagas disease Dietary supplements Spirulina Trypanosoma cruzi |
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