Identification and Immunological Characterization of Somatic Proteins from Adults of Toxocara cati by Proteomics Technique
Background: Toxocara cati is considered as one of the main etiological agents of toxocariasis with global and regional importance. As there is no information on proteomics of T. cati, herein, we reported the results obtained by proteomic analysis of somatic proteins extract, using a mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) approach.
Methods: Somatic extract fractions were separated by two-dimensional SDS-PAGE and were electro blotted on to PVDF membranes for immunoblot analysis, then collected the immunogenic spots which response of antibodies of the paratenic hosts (mice) to the antigens ( Mashhad, 2017), and analyzed by LC–MS/MS. The LC-MS/MS data were analyzed by Mascot database, Taxonomy Toxocara, and common contaminants, in Omics Center, Biotechnology Medical University of Graz (Austria, 2018).
Result: The protein spots were isolated between 15–140 kDa ranges using 3–10 non-linear IPG strips and Brilliant Blue Coomassie. Ten proteins were characterized as immunogenic proteins, seven of them were identified and three of them were unknown proteins.
Conclusion: This study provided additional information about the somatic antigens of T. cati, which can lead to the development of new strategies for novel immuno-modulators, drug targets, subunit vaccines and immunodiagnostic kits for toxocariasis.
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Toxocariasis Mass spectrometry Somatic extract Immunoblot |
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