Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Hydatid Cyst in Northern Iran from 2005 to 2015
Background: Human hydatid disease imposes significant impacts on public health by producing substantial morbidity and mortality in involved communities. This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiology and clinical features of hydatid cyst in northern Iran as a breeding center for the infection.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the hospital records of all hydatidosis-affected patients admitted in three teaching hospitals of Mazandaran Province between Mar 2005-2015 were reviewed. Hydatidosis-relevant demographic characteristics, clinical findings, and laboratory data were collected. The descriptive statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software.
Results: Totally, 79 patients with the mean age of 42.00±23.82 yr were admitted with cystic echinococcosis (CE) diagnosis. Moreover, the highest and the lowest prevalence of CE cases were in age ranges of 50-59 (19.0%) and more than 80 (5.0%) yr, respectively. Male/female ratio was 0.88 (47.0% vs. 53.0%). Majority of the cases were urban residents (54.0%) and had no close contact with animals (58.0%). Nearly, two third of the patients (n=54), the affected organ was liver. The diameter of the cysts was variable from 2 to 15 cm. Most of the patients had a single hydatid cyst. Four patients were diagnosed as secondary hydatid cyst. Medical treatment with antiparasitic agents was done for 47 individuals and in 7 cases; it was the only treatment approach. Percutaneous puncture-aspiration-injection reinjection (PAIR) technique was applied for 6 cases. Sixty-six patients underwent radical surgery. No data was available on eosinophil count or serological tests.
Conclusion: CE is approximately prevalent in Iranian population. Development of new diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures is worthy. Moreover, it is necessary to design and develop a registry and surveillance system by a multidisciplinary team.
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Issue | Vol 13 No 2 (2018) | |
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Cystic echinococcosis Prevalence Clinical features Iran |
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