Comparative Functional Study of Thioester-containing Related Proteins in the Recently Sequenced Genome of Biomphalaria glabrata
Background: There is paucity of information on functional relationship and characterization of Biomphalaria glabrata thioester-containing proteins (BgTEP) to other well-annotated homologues. We performed functional characterization studies of BgTEP to homologues in Anopheles gambiae and in disparate invertebrates.
Methods: Genomic sequences of TEPs were retrieved after annotation of the B. glabrata genome. In addition, TEP sequences deposited in NCBI protein database were also retrieved and utilized for sequence analysis. BgTEP relatedness to its other homologues as well as functional domain and protein-protein interaction analysis was performed.
Results: Our analysis resulted in the identification of TEPs in a number of organisms including, B. glabrata, A. gambiae, and Chlamys farreri. In addition, we identified 19 TEP sequences spread across 10 animal species. The B. glabrata genome contains 14190 unannotated proteins after filtration with about 85% of its proteome annotated. The phylogenetics, functional domain and protein-protein interaction analyses suggest an immunological role for BgTEP in B. glabrata.
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Biomphalaria glabrata Thioester-containing proteins Schistosomiasis |
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