Lymphocyte Migration Inhibition Response in Trichuris muris Infected and Vaccinated Mice
Background: Immunological response of host and parasite play a key role in developing vaccination and immunization. The present study deals with the immune response and effecter mechanism, which was confirmed by migration inhibition factor (MIF).
Methods: The present work was conducted in Parasitological Lab of Postgraduate Department of Zoology, Government Holkar Science College, Indore (M.P.) during 2006-2007. For MIF assay, lymphocytes were separated from heparinized blood of experimental and control mice. Aliquots of cell suspension were placed in four wells cut in a preparation of agarose in a Petri dish. Two wells were filled with soluble test antigen, while rest two wells were filled with medium (control wells). Petri dish was incubated overnight at 37 °C in a humidified environment at 5% CO2 in air. Cells migrated under the agarose in a circle were fixed and stained. Diameters of the migration areas were measured with ocular micrometer.
Result: MIF reaction was maximum (44.2%) in the group IVEgESAg5 and minimum (10.8%) in the group IVASoAg1. The maximum MIF reaction was shown by eggs ES antigen and least by adult worm somatic antigen. The interesting observation was that migration inhibition increases as dose increased or we could say the reaction was dose dependent
Conclusion: Increased value of MIF response in vaccinated mice suggested the involvement of lymphocytes in cell-mediated immunity. This study also proves that excretory-secretory (ES) antigen of eggs from Trichuris muris was more effective in imparting immunity in mice.
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Issue | Vol 6 No 1 (2011) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Trichuris muris Excretory-secretory Antigens Somatic Antigens Lymphocyte Migration |
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