
Molecular Diagnosis of Trichomoniasis in Negative Samples Examined by Direct Smear and Culture


Background: Trichomoniasis is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection (STI) world­wide and is associated with important public health problems, including amplification of HIV transmission. This disease is in forms of symptomatic and asymptomatic in women and may de­pend on host as well as parasite variables. Most of the studies reported from females are based on examination of vaginal secretions and urine samples by direct smear and culture in modified Dia­mond's media. The aim of this study was checking the samples, which were negative by direct smear and culture, with PCR technique.

Methods: The urine samples and vaginal discharge of patients attending Gynecology Clinics of Ma­zandaran Province, Iran with different symptoms rechecked for Trichomonas vaginalis by PCR technique using primers targeting a conserved region of the beta-tubulin genes of the para­site. Data were analyzed by Epi Info software program

Results: Out of 161 negative samples by direct smear and culture, seven samples (4.3%) were posi­tive by PCR technique.

Conclusion: Diagnosis of trichomoniasis by PCR is a sensitive and specific method that could play important role to help the physicians for properly treatment and control of infection.

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Diagnosis PCR Trichomonas vaginalis

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How to Cite
Valadkhani Z, Kazemi F, Assmar M, Amirkhani A, Esfandeari B, Lotfi M, Ghobadi-rad S, Hassan N, Aghighi Z. Molecular Diagnosis of Trichomoniasis in Negative Samples Examined by Direct Smear and Culture. Iran J Parasitol. 1;5(4):31-36.