
First Report of Intestinal Myiasis Due To Eristalis tenax in Iran


Eristalis tenax, belonging to order Diptera, family Syrphidae seldomly causes in­tes­tinal myiasis. Intestinal myiasis caused by E. tenax larvae is a rare manifesta­tion found in both humans and other vertebrate animals. We report a 22-year-old woman presented with this myiasis. The larva in her stool sample was identified as E. tenax related to its typical morphology and authentic clues. Lack of specific control meas­ures in the domestic water supply system was the most probable cause of this infesta­tion.

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IssueVol 5 No 2 (2010) QRcode
Eristalis tenax Intestinal myiasis Rat tail maggot

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Youssefi M, Sefidgar S, Abouhosseini Tabari M. First Report of Intestinal Myiasis Due To Eristalis tenax in Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 1;5(2):77-79.