
Multiple Organ Involvement with Hydatid Cysts


Hydatid disease is the most common infections worldwide, but it rarely involves multiple organs. Herein, a 12-year-old boy is presented, who was admitted to Children's Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran with symptoms of irritability, sleepless, and weak­ness of the extremities. Patient's brain computed tomography (CT) scan with contrast media showed large multilocular cystic lesions in right temporal lobe associated with two other smaller similar cystic lesions in centrum semiovale bilaterally. Abdominal sonography revealed intestinal mes­enteric and a cardiac cyst. Abdomino-pelvic CT scan showed a cyst medial to the cecum and a cortical cyst in the left kidney as well as a heart cyst. The echocardiography confirmed hydatid cysts at apical and interventricular septum. Serology test was positive for hydatid cyst. Albenda­zole and praziquantel were started for the patient immediately and right temporal lobe lesions were removed via neurosurgery intervention. After one month, cardiac and mesenteric cysts were oper­ated during two separate surgeries. Pathologic findings of all cysts were compatible with hy­datid cyst. Cystic hydatidosis should be suspected in any cystic mass, whilst prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatments are the keys in management of affected patients.

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IssueVol 5 No 2 (2010) QRcode
Hydatid cyst Echinococcus granulosus Multiple organ hydatidosis Disseminated echinococcosis Iran

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Sabouni F, Ferdosian F, Mamishi S, Nejat F, Monnajemzadeh M, Rezaei N. Multiple Organ Involvement with Hydatid Cysts. Iran J Parasitol. 1;5(2):65-70.